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Dental Implants in Salamander Bay & Nelson Bay, Port Stephens

Implant illustrationDental technology has advanced tremendously in the past decade, allowing us to give patients a beautiful, comfortable smile even when they’ve lost some of their natural teeth. At Cheeky Grin Dental Port Stephens, we strive to prevent problems, but when that’s not possible, we want to give you the best possible restoration options.

Dental implants are the gold standard in replacing missing teeth, and our dentist Dr Edward Jo has advanced training and special interest in this state-of-the-art option.
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What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium rods that are surgically placed in the jawbone to create an artificial tooth root. This state-of-the-art option offers a superior restoration compared to dentures or bridges, as it is stronger and more comfortable in the mouth. With a success rate of more than 90% over ten years, dental implants are a durable and long-lasting solution.

What to Expect

Dr Jo will begin with a consultation and thorough examination to determine if you have sufficient bone for an implant—in some cases, we’ll have to build up the bone before we can proceed. If only one implant is needed, we may do traditional implant surgery, which lifts the gums. For multiple implants, we’ll use guided surgery that doesn’t lift the gums and results in less swelling, allowing the implant to heal more quickly.

You’ll be completely numb for the procedure, and the pain afterwards is usually minimal. Although it takes about three months from initial consultation to placing the final crown, you’ll only be in the office for about two and a half to three hours, spread over three visits.

At your consultation, Dr Jo will explain all your options and the costs involved. If you decide to go forward with treatment, the price of the consultation is deducted from your treatment fees.

Man looking from dental chair

Our 4-Step Implant Process

Consultation and Examination: Our experienced dentist, Dr Edward Jo, will conduct a thorough examination to determine if you have sufficient bone for an implant. In some cases, bone building may be required before proceeding.

Implant Surgery: Depending on the number of implants required, we may perform traditional implant surgery or guided surgery. Guided surgery minimizes swelling and allows for quicker healing.

Healing and shaping: After the surgery, it takes approximately three months for the implant to fully integrate with the bone. Follow up procedure to shape the gums above the implant will be done if required.

Final Crown Placement: Once the implant has fully healed, a crown will be placed atop the implant to complete the restoration. Dr Jo will explain all your options and the costs involved during your consultation.

FAQs about Dental Implants

Q: Are dental implants painful?
A: The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, ensuring you’re completely numb and comfortable throughout. After the procedure, any pain is typically minimal.

Q: Can dental implants be used to support dentures or bridges?
A: Yes, dental implants can be placed to anchor dentures or bridges, providing stability and a more natural feel.

Q: What happens if I don’t have enough bone for an implant?
A: In cases where there isn’t sufficient bone, bone grafting may be required to make the implant viable. Additional fees will apply.

Book Your Consultation Today

Discover if dental implants are the right solution for you. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation and take the first step towards restoring your smile.
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Implant Package T&C’s: The Implant Package is priced at $3,599. The package includes the initial implant consultation fee, one titanium implant, intra-oral x-rays, and one Australian made porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. Additional costs may apply for tomography and surgical guide if required. Bone grafting or more advanced surgery may incur additional fees. The use of stem cell technology for improved healing and success rates carries an extra cost. The treatment is recommended for patients who fully understand the risks involved. For detailed terms and conditions regarding our Implant Package, please call our practice.

Dental Implants Salamander Bay & Nelson Bay, Port Stephens NSW | (02) 4982 0424